May Seeds

Affiliate Disclosure

At May Seeds, we believe in transparency and honesty. Our commitment to providing valuable, high-quality content to our readers is at the core of everything we do. As part of our mission to offer practical gardening advice, resources, and product recommendations, we participate in various affiliate marketing programs that help support the work we do.

This Affiliate Disclosure explains our relationship with affiliate marketing, how we earn commissions, and our policies regarding product recommendations. By being open and transparent about our affiliations, we aim to foster trust with our audience and ensure a clear understanding of how affiliate links work on May Seeds.

1. What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a common practice used by websites, including May Seeds, to generate revenue by partnering with companies that sell products or services relevant to their audience. In this model, a website earns a commission when readers click on affiliate links and make a purchase from the affiliated company.

At May Seeds, our affiliate partnerships help us continue providing free, high-quality gardening content while maintaining the site’s overall functionality. It is important to note that affiliate marketing does not affect the integrity of our content, as we strive to offer unbiased and trustworthy information, regardless of any commission we may earn.

2. How Affiliate Marketing Works on May Seeds

When you read an article or product review on May Seeds, you may come across links to external websites where the product or service we mention is sold. These links are known as “affiliate links.” If you click on one of these affiliate links and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission from the seller at no additional cost to you.

The process of earning commissions is straightforward:

  • We write an article, product review, or guide on a gardening-related topic.
  • Within the content, we may include affiliate links to products or services that we genuinely believe will be helpful or useful to our readers.
  • When a reader clicks on the affiliate link and completes a purchase, May Seeds earns a commission from the retailer.
  • This commission does not influence the price you pay; the price remains the same whether you use our affiliate link or go directly to the retailer’s website.

3. Our Commitment to Transparency

At May Seeds, we are committed to maintaining transparency with our audience. We understand the importance of trust, and that’s why we openly disclose whenever an article contains affiliate links. You can expect to see a disclaimer at the beginning or end of any post that includes such links. Our goal is to ensure that our readers are fully informed and can make educated decisions based on the content we provide.

a. Affiliate Links Disclosure Statement

For every piece of content that contains affiliate links, we clearly disclose this relationship with statements like:

  • “This post may contain affiliate links. If you click on these links and make a purchase, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. This helps support May Seeds and allows us to continue creating valuable gardening content. Thank you for your support!”
  • “As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. This means that if you click through and make a purchase, we may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.”

These statements are placed prominently within the content to make sure you know when affiliate links are being used.

b. Honesty and Integrity in Recommendations

While we may receive commissions from affiliate links, we never compromise the integrity of our recommendations. All of the products or services we promote are thoroughly researched and reviewed to ensure they meet our quality standards. We only recommend items that we believe are beneficial to our readers based on personal experience, expert knowledge, or industry research.

4. Types of Affiliate Programs We Participate In

At May Seeds, we participate in several affiliate programs, each offering products and services that align with our gardening-focused mission. Below are some of the key programs we work with:

a. Amazon Associates

One of the largest affiliate programs in the world, Amazon Associates allows us to recommend a wide variety of gardening tools, seeds, books, and other products sold on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. This program enables us to offer our readers links to trusted products available on Amazon, covering everything from soil amendments and fertilizers to gardening tools and seeds.

b. Gardening Supply Companies

We have established affiliate partnerships with several gardening supply companies that offer organic seeds, eco-friendly gardening tools, and pest control solutions. These companies share our commitment to sustainability and gardening excellence, and we only partner with those whose products meet our high standards.

c. Home Improvement and DIY Stores

Some of the products we recommend are available from home improvement stores or DIY websites. We include affiliate links to these retailers for items like raised garden bed kits, garden décor, or other supplies that help you enhance your outdoor space.

d. Other Affiliate Networks

In addition to the aforementioned programs, we may also participate in various affiliate networks, such as ShareASale, Commission Junction, or Impact, which allow us to connect with a range of brands that offer products suited for gardening enthusiasts.

5. Why We Use Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing allows May Seeds to continue offering valuable content without charging readers for access. By earning a small commission on the products we recommend, we can support the operational costs of running the site, including website maintenance, content creation, research, and product reviews.

We believe in the power of affiliate marketing because it benefits both us and our readers:

  • Support Our Content: Commissions help fund the creation of more in-depth articles, tutorials, and guides to assist you on your gardening journey.
  • Free Access to Content: We provide free access to all our content, ensuring that our community can benefit from our knowledge without any financial barriers.
  • Valuable Product Recommendations: Affiliate links allow us to recommend products that we believe will help you grow a better garden, while also offering convenient access to purchase them from trusted retailers.

6. How We Choose Affiliate Products

May Seeds takes great care in selecting the products we promote through affiliate links. We do not simply include links for the sake of earning commissions. Instead, we follow a careful vetting process to ensure the products we recommend are genuinely beneficial to our readers.

a. Relevance to Our Audience

All of the products we link to must be directly related to gardening, home improvement, or sustainability — the core themes of our blog. We choose products that align with the interests of our audience, whether they’re looking for flower seeds, vegetable gardening supplies, pest control solutions, or organic fertilizers.

b. Product Quality

We focus on high-quality products that offer long-lasting value to our readers. We evaluate products based on factors such as durability, effectiveness, user reviews, and eco-friendliness.

c. Personal Experience and Research

Whenever possible, we personally test the products we recommend. In cases where we cannot test the product ourselves, we conduct thorough research, reading reviews, comparing features, and consulting expert opinions to ensure that the product is worth recommending.

d. Sustainability Focus

As part of our mission to promote sustainable gardening practices, we prioritize products that are eco-friendly, organic, and safe for the environment. We aim to recommend products that help our readers grow gardens while minimizing their impact on the planet.

7. Your Experience Matters

At May Seeds, we are committed to ensuring that your experience on our website is positive and informative. We value your feedback and strive to offer affiliate recommendations that enhance your gardening experience. If you ever have any concerns or questions about a product we’ve recommended, we encourage you to reach out to us. Your input helps us continually improve the content we provide and ensures that our recommendations are helpful and relevant.

8. Affiliate Disclosure Compliance

We take compliance with affiliate disclosure regulations seriously. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires that websites clearly disclose when they are using affiliate links, and we comply with these regulations to ensure that our readers are fully informed.

Our affiliate disclosure practices include:

  • Clear Disclosures: Every post containing affiliate links includes a clear and conspicuous affiliate disclosure at the beginning or end of the content.
  • Transparency: We openly disclose our affiliate relationships to readers and explain how affiliate marketing helps support the content we create.
  • FTC Guidelines: We follow the guidelines set forth by the FTC regarding endorsements, testimonials, and affiliate marketing disclosures.

9. Privacy and Affiliate Tracking

When you click on an affiliate link on May Seeds, a cookie may be placed on your browser that tracks your activity and enables the affiliate program to recognize that you came from our website. These cookies are typically short-term and do not store any personal information about you. We do not have access to your personal data as part of this process.

Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information on how we handle data and cookies on May Seeds.

10. Supporting May Seeds through Affiliate Links

We greatly appreciate the support of our readers. By using our affiliate links, you’re not only purchasing a product that will benefit your gardening journey, but you’re also helping us continue to offer high-quality, free content to our audience. It’s a win-win situation: you get access to products we believe in, and we earn a small commission that helps keep May Seeds running.

If you ever choose to make a purchase through one of our affiliate links, we thank you for your support and for being part of our gardening community.